Alex Anderlik is a person who lives in Missoula, Montana.
Learn more about their work at their Patreon.
Contact them here.
This painting was made by Molly Magnell.
All content and code of this website were created and written exclusively by Alex Anderlik, Copyright © 2023, all rights reserved, except where otherwise noted (see below for more information). However, please reach out if you would like to use something or if you think something needs to be fixed, credited, or removed. Images, code, and other content not created by me should be properly attributed, with permission or licenses obtained if possible, but should generally be considered as protected under fair use as media used either for educational and critical purposes or as parts of substantially-altered artistic collages. Everything published on this website is available free of charge, without any advertisement revenue or other royalties.
I have made every effort to make this website as accessible, airtight, and polished as possible. I may be an amateur at coding, but my goal is to make this website work seamlessly on all form factors, operating systems, and browsers, available via accessible technology such as screen-readers, and even work well for printing. However, if something isn't working, or you have suggestions, please don't hesitate to let me know!
The website is hosted by Neocities and the domain is registered by Google Domains. The fonts used on this website are Inconsolata by Raph Levien and Space Mono by Colophon Foundry, both provided by Google Fonts courtesy of the SIL Open Font License. This website uses script from jQuery 3.5.1, hosted by Google and copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors.
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Neocities is a free, open-source static web hosting platform carrying on the legacy of the now-defunct Geocities universe. After experimenting with a variety of alternative web hosting options, including conventional ones like GoDaddy and cheap-and-dirty options like Tumblr or WordPress, Neocities has proven to be the only hosting platform that is honest, simple, easy, affordable, and maintains the free spirit of the Old Web against the technocratic wasteland of corporate Internet today.